Isaiah 62 Prayer Letter - May 2015

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06/05/2015(星期三) AM 11:45

Prayer Letter – May 2015
Isaiah 62 Prayer Campaign

Dear prayer partners,

We are currently in that special season between Passover and Pentecost, when we reflect on the repeated times that Jesus appeared to his disciples in his resurrected body. There are at least ten such occasions recorded in Scripture, beginning with Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18) and concluding with Paul (Acts 9; 1 Corinthians 15:3-8). Through these incredible experiences they became witnesses of his resurrection, which they declared to be proof that he was the Son of God (Romans 1:4).

The life and ministry of Jesus was glorious, yet it ended with him nailed to a cross, so marred and disfigured one hardly dared to look upon him. His disciples were left discouraged and afraid, hiding behind locked doors. But then he arose from the dead clothed with a new body – glorious and eternal. This inspired and energized his followers so much they risked their lives to tell of it far and wide, since they too were promised this same immortal body one day.

The apostles also proclaimed that Jesus had died and rose again just as the prophets foretold (Acts 2:29-32; Acts 13:34). In making this claim they primarily cited Psalm 16:10, which states: “For You will not leave my soul in Sheol, nor will You allow Your Holy One to see corruption.”

Now there are many Old Testament references to the suffering Messiah (Isaiah 53, Psalm 22, etc.), and also to His eternal nature and everlasting reign (for example, Daniel 2 and 7; Isaiah 9:6-7; Micah 5:2). But there are actually very few prophetic passages which state outright or imply that he would arise from the dead (Daniel 9:26 and Psalm 16:10 are two).

Even Jesus offered mostly veiled references to his coming resurrection, hiding it on three separate occasions inside a riddle about Jonah being three days in the belly of a whale. Yet his resurrection is so important, it lies at the heart of our Christian faith. The great power and promise of his resurrection is that he triumphed for our sake over the power of death. And when we see him, we shall be like him (1 John 3:2). Amen!

Interestingly, there are a number of parallels between the death and resurrection of Jesus, and the exile and restoration of Israel now playing out in our day. Just as Jesus was in the grave three days, Hosea prophesied that Israel would be “torn” and “stricken”, but “after two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up that we may live in His sight” (Hosea 6:1-2).

In his vision of the valley of dry bones, Ezekiel also explicitly speaks of Israel as a nation rising up out of its “graves” and coming to life again (Ezekiel 37).

In fact, there are numerous prophetic passages dealing with the last-days resurrection of Israel – many more than about the resurrection of the Messiah. And based on these Old Testament passages, Paul was able to firmly declare that Israel’s restoration will be nothing less than “life from the dead” (Romans 11:15).

So what a remarkable contrast! The resurrection of Jesus was foretold but it was a hidden truth that in the end came as a great surprise to his followers, yet it so lifted them from their doubts and fears they were propelled to go forth and conquer the world.

On the other hand, the restoration of Israel is promised everywhere in Scripture, and there is nothing hidden about it. God spells it out with precision and clarity. This means we are all accountable for it, and no one can say they did not know His hand was behind it.

This also means that when we stand with Israel, we are working alongside God to accomplish an amazing divine purpose in our day. So we can throw all our heart, talents and resources into it.

It also means that we can pray with great confidence and expectancy for God to accomplish all that He intends in Israel’s restoration – in the Jewish nation and people as well as in the Church. The same resurrection power is at work in our day to bring life to Israel, and to all whose hope is in Christ!

Blessings from Jerusalem!
David Parsons
ICEJ Media Director

The next day of prayer and fasting in our Isaiah 62 Global Prayer Campaign will be on Wednesday, 6th of May 2015.

Please pray with us in the following areas of need:

1)  Prayer for Israel
     Pray that Israel's physical return and restoration as a nation will soon become the spiritual revival promised by the Hebrew prophets and affirmed by the Apostles.
     Pray for the government now being formed by prime minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu, that it would be a stable and unified coalition equipped to meet all the challenges confronting the nation of Israel. Pray for harmony among the diverse communities in Israel.
     Pray for the Israeli medical and relief teams that have been sent to assist the battered nation of Nepal following the powerful earthquake there.
     Pray that Israel will continue to be secure in its borders from every threat.

2)  Prayer for the Middle East
     Pray that the promised revival in Israel would also impact now the other peoples in the region and sweep many into the Kingdom of God.
     Pray for the safety and deliverance of all the persecuted Christian communities of the Middle East now under threat from Muslim militants.
     Pray that the Western powers negotiating with Iran would not compromise any further and go back to demanding that Tehran completely dismantle its nuclear program. Pray for all of Iran's deceptions over its nuclear program would be fully exposed in time to impact these talks.
     Pray for all the refugees from the region’s many on-going conflicts, especially those enduring tough conditions in temporary camps across the Middle East.

3)  Prayer for the ICEJ
     Pray that the ICEJ will always fulfil its fore-ordained role in the promised physical and spiritual restoration of Israel. Pray that we can help bring "life from the dead" in this nation through our witness of Christian love.
     Pray that we would be effective in teaching Christians worldwide about the resurrection power now at work in Israel and the wonderful benefits it will bring to the Church as well.
     Pray that we would have an abundance of resources to meet the many social needs we encounter here in the Land of Israel.
     Pray for our ministry travels and upcoming events worldwide, and especially for the annual ICEJ National Directors' Conference scheduled for mid-May here in Jerusalem. Pray for unity of heart, mind and purpose among our global leadership.
     Pray for our preparations for the Feast of Tabernacles 2015, that all things would be planned with the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit.