是時候與以色列同站 Now is the best time to take a stand with Israel

Event Type: 
16/05/2023(星期二) AM 10:45

Dear friends and faithful prayer partners,

We are thrilled to be celebrating the 75th anniversary of Israel’s rebirth as a nation on 14 May 1948. Even in times of tension, it still reminds us of how much the Jewish state and people have overcome since God began regathering them to their ancestral homeland according to His covenant promises.

The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem has been standing at Israel’s side for 43 of those years now, and we have witnessed the power of God’s word at work in the way Christians worldwide have responded to the prophetic call of Scripture to be involved in this great Ingathering.

As scores of Jewish exiles have made the journey home to the Land of Israel, Christians have helped 180,000 of them reach the Promised Land through our ministry.

Among the Jews returning to the Land are many Holocaust survivors, and Christians worldwide have assisted us in caring for them.

Israel also has faced many times of crisis and war in the Land, and yet always emerged victorious, with the support and admiration of their Christian friends. In recent years, this support often has taken the form of portable bomb shelters provided to Israeli communities vulnerable to the constant threat of rocket attacks.

On Israel’s 75th anniversary, we want to encourage you to consider sending a birthday gift of $75 to mark this special occasion. These gifts will be used to continue our vital work in Israel, such as sponsoring more Aliyah flights, caring for needy Holocaust survivors, and providing more bomb shelters for Israeli communities under serious rocket threat.

So send a gift for Israel’s 75th!

Now is the best time to take a stand with Israel, to celebrate how far the nation has come and ensure her future success and well-being. May the Lord bless you as you consider this opportunity to support Israel in word and deed.

Meantime, watch our latest video telling the story of Israel’s many successes over the past 75 years.
You also may want to read this encouraging prophetic teaching on Israel’s miraculous restoration in modern times.
May the Lord bless you richly from Zion!
Dr. Jürgen Bühler
ICEJ President
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem


我們很高興在1948 年 5 月 14日慶祝以色列重生為一個國家75 週年。即使在緊張時期,它仍然提醒我們自從上帝開始將他們重新聚集到他們祖先的家園以來,猶太國家和人民已經根據祂立約的應許克服了多少困難。

在過去的 43 年裡,耶路撒冷國際基督徒大使館一直站在以色列一邊,我們見證了上帝聖言的力量在世界各地的基督徒響應聖經的預言性呼召參與這場偉大的聚集。


以色列在這片土地上也曾多次面臨危機和戰爭,但在基督教朋友的支持和守望下,總是取得勝利。 近年來,這種支持往往採取便攜式防空洞的形式,提供給易受火箭彈襲擊持續威脅的以色列社區。

在以色列建國 75 週年之際,我們鼓勵您考慮送出 75 美元的生日禮物來紀念這個特殊的日子。 這些捐贈將用於繼續我們在以色列的重要工作,例如贊助更多回歸以色列航班、照顧有需要的大屠殺生還者,以及為遭受嚴重火箭威脅的以色列社區提供更多防空洞。

因此,為以色列第 75 週年送上一份禮物吧!

現在是與以色列站在一起、慶祝這個國家取得的成就並確保她未來的成功和福祉的最佳時機。 當你考慮這個機會在言行上支持以色列時,願主賜福你。

同時,您可觀看我們最新的視頻,講述以色列在過去 75 年中取得的眾多成就。
