猶太和阿拉伯藝術家在2022年住棚節上演唱的優美歌曲beautiful song rendition from the Feast of Tabernacles 2022 between Jewish and Arab artists

Event Type: 
06/05/2023(Saturday) PM 12:15

"I am traveling to Israel to deliver a message of friendship from the Iranian people, engage Israeli water experts on ways to address the regime’s abuse of Iran’s natural resources and pay respects to the victims of the Holocaust on Yom HaShoah.

I want the people of Israel to know that the Islamic Republic does not represent the Iranian people. The ancient bond between our people can be rekindled for the benefit of both nations. I’m going to Israel to play my role in building toward that brighter future."
- Reza Pahlavi, Iran Crown Prince / 16 April 2023
As we recently celebrated Yom Hashoah (Israel's Day of Remembrance) and Yom Haatzmaut (Israel's Independence Day), we applaud the historic visit of the Iranian Crown Prince to Israel in expressing solidarity with the Jews on these special days. May this beautiful song rendition from the Feast of Tabernacles 2022 between Jewish and Arab artists be a blessing upon you, as they sing about Psalm 122 with one heart and one spirit


我想讓以色列人民知道,伊斯蘭共和國不代表伊朗人民。為了兩國的利益,我們人民之間古老的紐帶可以重新點燃。 我要去以色列,為建設更光明的未來發揮我的作用。」
- 禮薩·巴列維,伊朗王儲 / 2023 年 4 月 16 日
在我們最近慶祝 Yom Hashoah(以色列紀念日)和 Yom Haatzmaut(以色列獨立日)時,我們稱讚伊朗王儲對以色列的歷史性訪問,在這些特殊的日子裡表達對猶太人的聲援。 願猶太和阿拉伯藝術家在2022年住棚節上演唱的這首優美的歌曲成為您的祝福,因為他們用合一的心和合一的靈唱出詩篇122篇
