耶路撒冷雜誌的話-2023年5月/6月版-以色列慶祝其鑽石周年Word from Jerusalem Magazine - May/June 2023 edition - Israel Celebrates its Diamond Anniversary

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24/05/2023(Wednesday) PM 12:00

Word from Jerusalem Magazine - May/June 2023 edition - Israel Celebrates its Diamond Anniversary


This edition of the Word from Jerusalem magazine features an informative Bible teaching. In ‘King of Heaven and Earth’, ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler shares from the Scriptures about the Kingdom of God.
Israel just marked 75 years since David Ben-Gurion declared its independence in Tel Aviv on 14 May 1948, and today this is a nation which is truly blessing the whole world! In our Current Events pages, you will be amazed to discover the many wonderful innovations coming from this incredible land. You also will gain an understanding of the factors behind recent tensions in Israel, as ICEJ Vice President & Senior Spokesman David Parsons gives his latest assessment in ‘Iran widens its ‘shadow war’ with Israel'.

Be sure to read our ‘Inside the Embassy’ pages to see the remarkable interactions the ICEJ leadership is having with presidents and prime ministers. We also share on how the ICEJ commemorated Holocaust Remembrance Day and brought comfort to a Jewish family suffering multiple losses from a recent terrorist attack.

Meanwhile, the ICEJ continues our commitment to bringing Jewish immigrants back to their homeland of Israel through our Aliyah and integration efforts. We share on the recent arrival of 155 Ethiopian Jewish immigrants, as well as the Aliyah efforts underway in helping Ukrainian Jews with their immigration.
Be blessed to see how your generous support is enabling the ICEJ to impact Israeli lives, as you read about our fruitful Aid projects and enjoy seeing how residents of the ICEJ’s Home for Holocaust survivors delighted in a day trip around Haifa. It is an honour to care for these precious Holocaust survivors and ensure their happiness in these last years of their lives.
See what is happening in the nations as ICEJ offices around the world share their recent activities on behalf of Israel, combat antisemitism, and mark Israel’s 75th anniversary with celebrations and gala banquets.
In our Biblical Archaeology section, we share an excerpt from an interview with renowned Professor Gabriel Barkay, who is considered a leading expert on the history of Jerusalem and is credited with discovering the oldest biblical Hebrew inscriptions ever found.
Thank you for partnering with the ICEJ in our efforts to bless and comfort the people of Israel. Enjoy this edition of the Word from Jerusalem and many blessings from Jerusalem to you and your family!
Online version:

本期《來自耶路撒冷的話語》雜誌以內容豐富的聖經教導為特色。 在「諸天及全地之君王」中,ICEJ 主席尤根布勒博士從聖經中分享了關於上帝王國的故事。

自大衛·本古里安於 1948 年 5 月 14 日在特拉維夫宣布獨立以來,以色列剛剛迎來了 75 週年紀念日,今天,這個國家真正祝福了全世界! 在我們的「時事」頁面中,您會驚奇地發現來自這片不可思議的土地的許多奇妙的創新。正如 ICEJ 副總裁兼高級發言人大衛·帕森斯 (David Parsons) 在「伊朗擴大與以色列的‘影子戰爭’」中給出的最新評估一樣,您還將了解以色列近期緊張局勢背後的因素。

請務必閱讀我們的「大使館內部」頁面,了解ICEJ領導層與總統們和總理們的非凡互動。我們還分享了 ICEJ 如何紀念大屠殺紀念日,並為因最近的恐怖襲擊而遭受多重損失的猶太家庭帶來慰藉。

與此同時,ICEJ 繼續致力於通過我們的回歸和融合努力將猶太移民帶回他們的家園以色列。 我們分享最近抵達的 155 名埃塞俄比亞猶太移民,以及Aliyah為幫助烏克蘭猶太人移民所做的努力。

看到您的慷慨支持如何使 ICEJ 影響以色列人的生活,當您閱讀我們卓有成效的援助項目並欣賞 ICEJ海法大屠殺生還者之家的居民如何在海法周邊一日遊時感到高興時,您會感到很欣慰。很榮幸能夠照顧這些寶貴的大屠殺生還者並確保他們在生命的最後時光可以幸福快樂。

當 ICEJ 世界各地的辦事處分享他們最近代表以色列開展的活動,打擊反猶太主義,並透過慶祝活動和盛大宴會紀念以色列成立75週年時,看看各國正在發生什麼。

在我們的聖經考古學部分,我們分享了對著名教授加布里埃爾·巴凱 (Gabriel Barkay) 的採訪摘錄,他被認為是耶路撒冷歷史方面的領先專家,並以發現有史以來最古老的聖經希伯來文銘文而著稱。

感謝您與 ICEJ 合作,共同努力祝福和安慰以色列人民。享受這本《來自耶路撒冷的話語》的話語,以及耶路撒冷給你和你家人的許多祝福!
