'領養“基督徒大使館自然公園”的一角Adopt Your Corner of the 'Christian Embassy Nature Park

Event Type: 
16/05/2023(Tuesday) AM 10:45

Adopt Your Corner of the 'Christian Embassy Nature Park'
Help Restore this special part of the Be'eri Forest in Israel
The Be'eri Forest in southern Israel is a popular spot for Israeli families to visit, especially in winter when the fields are carpeted with red wild flowers. First planted by a local kibbutz and later expanded by Keren Kayemeth Leisrael/Jewish National Fund, the forest is a living, vivid example of the prophetic vision of Isaiah that "the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose" (Isaiah 35:1).
However, large parts of the Be'eri Forest were deliberately burned over recent years by fire kites and balloons released from nearby Gaza. The JNF had planted thousands of dunams of trees along the Gaza border over the decades, only to see 70% of these forested areas scorched by the rash of Palestinian arson attacks since 2018.
Yet the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem now has a unique and exciting opportunity to help replant and restore a heavily damaged section of the Be'eri Forest. The area consists of 512 dunams (126 acres) of rolling hills and fields which will be renamed the "Christian Embassy Nature Park."
We are partnering with KKL/JNF to rehabilitate this forested area by planting trees that are less flammable, provide plenty of shade, and grow fast even in the dry desert climate. This reforestation effort will not only bring this special corner of Israel's natural landscape back to life and protect Israelis from harm, it also will leave a lasting testimony to the Israeli people that Christians care about this land and their 'green future'.
You can help restore this beloved Israeli forest by adopting a plot in square meters for replanting and renewal.
For every gift of $60.00, you can adopt 50 square meters of the revived forest. You also will receive a special certificate from ICEJ and KKL/JNF as a sponsor of the restored forest.
Donate today at: give.icej.org/forest
幫助恢復以色列 Be'eri 森林的這一特殊部分
以色列南部的 Be'eri 森林是以色列家庭遊覽的熱門地點,尤其是在冬季,田野上鋪滿了紅色的野花。 首先由當地的基布茲種植,後來由 Keren Kayemeth Leisrael/Jewish National Fund,這片森林是以賽亞預言的生動例子,即"曠野和乾旱之地必然歡喜,沙漠也必快樂;又如玫瑰綻放,"(以賽亞書 35:1)。
然而,近年來,從附近的加沙釋放的風箏和氣球故意燒毀了 Be'eri 森林的大部分地區。JNF 沿線種植了數千德南的樹木幾十年來,加沙邊境只看到 70%的森林地區被自 2018 年以來的巴勒斯坦人縱火襲擊燒焦。
然而,耶路撒冷國際基督從大使館現在有一個獨特而令人興奮的機會,可以幫助重新種植和恢復 Be'eri 森林中嚴重受損的部分。 該地區由 512 德南(126 英畝)連綿起伏的丘陵和田野組成,將更名為“基督徒大使館自然公園”。
我們正與 KKL/JNF 合作,通過種植不易燃、提供充足陰涼並且即使在乾燥的沙漠氣候中也能快速生長的樹木來恢復這片森林地區。 這項重新造林的努力不僅將使以色列自然景觀的這一特殊角落恢復生機,保護以色列人免受傷害,還將向以色列人民留下持久的見證,即基督徒關心這片土地和他們的“綠色未來”。
每贈送60.00美元,您就可以領養50平方米的復興森林。 作為恢復森林贊助者,您還將獲得 ICEJ 和 KKL/JNF 頒發的特別證書。