How to go to PNF Church and ICEJ Centre? 如何前往毗努伊勒教會及ICEJ中心?
Published by admin on Tue, 02/26/2019 - 15:31
Event Type:
26/02/2019(Tuesday) PM 03:15
1.前往荔枝角地鐵站B1出口 Go to Lai Chi Kwok MTR station Exit B1
2.轉左進入大南西街,直行到青山道斑馬線 Turn left,walk into Tai Nan West Street and walk straight until arrive at the Castle Peak Road Zebra crossing
3.直行到永康街 Walk straight until arrive at the Wing Hong Street
4.直行到瓊林街 Walk straight until arrive at the King Lam Street
5.轉右,然後一直行到擎天廣場 Turn right and walk along the road until arrive at Kings Tower
6.轉左,並走進擎天廣場 Turn left and walk into Kings Tower
7.走進大堂及乘升降機到19樓 Walk into the Hall,take the lift and press 19F
8.我們的辦公室就在右邊.Our office is on right side of the lift.